join us for Youth action Month (YAM) 2025!
From zines, storytelling, art as resistance, community organizing, and social media campaigns—every action you take is a step toward building the Oklahoma we deserve.
Look here for this year’s upcoming YAM events!
We’ve cataloged resources, videos, and tips to assist 2SLGBTQ+ young people in finding and using their voice and their power. These modules and activities will provide you with the tools you need to enact change in YOUR community. YAM is all about celebrating the work young Oklahomans have done and will do in the future. With so much legislation that seeks to harm and erase 2SLGBTQ+ students, YAM is your reminder that you belong in Oklahoma.
This year, we are asking you to pledge to help make Oklahoma a more equitable place for ALL Oklahomans. We want to see what you are doing in your own communities to make this a state where 2SLGBTQ+ youth can thrive. By pledging to join us for YAM 2025, you are committing to be a part of the solution. Let’s show the legislature that queer and trans youth are the future of Oklahoma!
take the pledge
Activity Modules
Module 1: Telling Your Story, Your Way
Knowing how to tell your story in a way that is direct, poignant, and impactful takes time and practice. Whether you want to speak to a legislator, write a letter for a cause, or give a speech to a crowd, here are some skills to help you build a strong platform.
Activity Module 2: comms for the cause
Now that you have a story to tell, an issue to raise, or an action to organize, you’ll need to find ways to communicate your goals to the community. This module is all about the different ways you can raise awareness and increase engagement towards the change you want to see in the world.
Activity Module 3: Art As Resistance
There are so many ways to take action for change in your community. Storytelling, direct action, and mutual aid are all ways to build movements outside of legislative advocacy; but art is one of the most enduring protests we have at our disposal.
We have several events throughout the month, as well as an opportunity in the coming months to showcase the art you make for YAM 2025! YAM Resources are open to all ages, but events are open to youth and young adults up to age 24.
yam art nights
Freedom Oklahoma would love the opportunity to showcase the amazing things you have created!
During YAM and throughout the year, we like to show off young Oklahomans’ masterpieces!
Submit work to be shared with our communities to taylor@freedomoklahoma.org. You must submit the release form below signed by a guardian if under 18, and by yourself if 18 or over.